Cllr. Gary Wilkinson

BH2022/01015 – Hove Town Hall


21st April 2022:

As a ward Cllr for Central Hove, I wish to object to the above planning application for the following reasons.

·         Impact on visual amenity

·         Loss of trees and planting and impact on biodiversity - The existing planting on the east and north side of the square appears to be proposed for removal and this loss does not appear to uphold the aim of improving greenery in the public square

·         Effect on listed building and conservation area - The site is on a prominent location and forms part of the open public space surrounding Hove Town Hall which is locally listed and sits beside grade II listed buildings in a conservation area.

·         Impact on Heritage Assets - The application concerns the proposed use of space for events and additional structures. This space is currently available to the general public for enjoyment of.

·         Layout and density of building

·         Design, appearance and materials

·         Landscaping

·         Disabled persons' access - The proposed design does not appear to provide for disabled persons access.

·         Noise and disturbance - The proposed development sits close to residential properties. The public  square in its current format cause little noise or disturbance as it is not used for gatherings or events. The recently drafted City Plan Part 2 clearly offers a high degree of protection to residents to protect their peace and harmony.


Should the decision be to grant this planning application under delegated powers, I wish this planning applications go to the planning committee and reserve my right to speak.